My role in this project was to strategically enhance the user experience to drive higher sign-up completion rates and implement effective strategies to boost conversions.


  • initiated this project by meticulously mapping out the sign-up journey, delving into pain points causing user disengagement. 

Through a streamlined application process design, I consolidated user data collection while removing unnecessary fields, optimizing for efficiency.
    I focused on crafting an intuitive and informative sign-up flow, providing users with clear progress indicators and estimated completion times.Key elements of my approach included:
  • Re-mapping and enhancing the signup flow
  • Prioritising accessibility
  • Implementing a mobile-first UX/UI approach
  • Introducing features for users to pause and resume the application process
  • Promoting password-less signup and GDPR-compliant user data collection.

This Agile solution, from inception to launch in under two months, prioritized a user-centric UX/UI strategy, ensuring a seamless and accessible experience for all.

Within three months post-launch, the revamped signup process yielded a remarkable 31% increase in conversions, bolstered by a targeted reactivation campaign for lapsed users.

Our enduring UX strategy sets the standard for 2021 and beyond.